Seeking Singularity - Full Year 2022

The Singularity Strategies were not immune to last year's turbulences. However, over the long term, they remain focused on true value creation from applied innovation to deliver superior returns. In 2022, The Singularity Fund was down by -34.3%. It ended the year on a positive note and concluded Q4 with +8.0% and a performance of +30.3% since December 2017. Singularity Small & Mid was down by -32.5% in 2022. It gained a strong +9.1% in Q4 and returned +35.8% since December 2017.

Included in this year’s report is an analysis on the strongest performing Singularity Sectors over the last five years. It shows the benefits a diversified approach to innovation brings to investors.

By Pierre Guillier, CIO - 01/16/2023

Seeking Singularity - Full Year 2022

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